CAP Theorem

The CAP Theorem is a classic problem in Distributed Systems, first postulated by Eric Brewer in (Brewer 2000), and formally proved in (Gilbert and Lynch 2002).


For (Brewer 2000), a distributed system has some very specific properties and behaviour, being a collected set of Nodes that all share data. A limitation of such systems happens when a write request is followed by a read request.

       │ Client │
     [R] ^    | [W]
         |    v
╎         System          ╎
╎              ┌────┐     ╎
╎   ┌──────────│ a0 │──┐  ╎
╎   │          └────┘  │  ╎
╎   │             │    │  ╎
╎ ┌────┐       ┌────┐  │  ╎
╎ │ a3 │───────│ a1 │  │  ╎
╎ └────┘       └────┘  │  ╎
╎                 │    │  ╎
╎              ┌────┐  │  ╎
╎              │ a2 │──┘  ╎
╎              └────┘     ╎
Read Write
A client can read data from the system by talking to any Node A client can write data to the system by talking to any Node

The Theorem states that for any given pair of requests this kind of system can only guarantee two out of three properties:

The system can read data that is (at least) as fresh as what has been just written.
Every request received by a non-failing node in the system must result in a response.
Partition Tolerance
The network will be allowed to lose arbitrarily many messages sent from one node to another.

Idea of the Proof

Here is a sketch of the proof provided in (Gilbert and Lynch 2002), consider the same system as before, but focus on a pair of requests (R/W) and two nodes.

    v                          │
┌−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−┐       │
╎        System        ╎       │
╎                      ╎       │
╎ ┌────┐        ┌────┐ ╎ [R] ┌──────┐
╎ │ a0 │ ────── │ a1 │ ╎────>│Client│
╎ └────┘        └────┘ ╎     └──────┘
╎                      ╎

Assume, via contraction, that such a system does follow all CAP properties. Given a network partition between a0 and a1, the followig will happen:

    v                          │
┌−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−┐       │
╎        System        ╎       │
╎                      ╎       │
╎ ┌────┐        ┌────┐ ╎ [R] ┌──────┐
╎ │ a0 │ ──//── │ a1 │ ╎─??─>│Client│
╎ └────┘        └────┘ ╎     └──────┘
╎                      ╎
  1. a1 will never receive an update from a0, which will break its avaliability promises (by never delivering the new result)
  2. a1 sends stale data back to the client, breaking the consistency property.


Brewer, Eric A. 2000. “Towards Robust Distributed Systems.” In Podc, 7:343–477. 10.1145. Portland, OR.
Gilbert, Seth, and Nancy Lynch. 2002. “Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, Available, Partition-Tolerant Web Services.” Acm Sigact News 33 (2): 51–59.
