Lambda Calculus

The λ-Calculus is a theory of functions as formulas. It is a system for manipulating functions as expressions.

What is usually called λ-calculus is a collection of several formal systems, based on a notation invented by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. They are designed to describe the most basic ways that operators or functions can be combined to form other operators.

In practice, each λ-system has a slightly different grammatical structure, depending on its intended use. Some have extra constant-symbols, and most have built-in syntactic restrictions, for example type-restrictions. (Hindley and Seldin 2008, 1)

Untyped λ-Calculus



Assume given an infinite set \(V\) of variables, the set of lambda terms is given by the following Backus-Naur Form:

\begin{align*} M, N &::= x \mid (M N) \mid (\lambda x.M) \end{align*}


For a particular occurrence of \(λx.M\) in a term \(P\), the occurrence of \(M\) is called the scope of the occurrence of \(λx\) on the left.

Free and Bound Variables

An occurrence of a variable \(x\) in a term \(P\) is called:

  • bound if it is in the scope of a \(λx\) in \(P\).
  • bound and binding if and only if it is the \(x\) in \(λx\).
  • free otherwise.

The set of all free variables of \(P\) is denoted as \(FV(P)\) and is computed by recursion on \(P\):

\begin{align*} FV(\{x\}) &= \{ x \} \\ FV(\lambda x.M) &= FV(M) / \{x\} \\ FV(M N) &= FV(M) \cup FV(N) \end{align*}


For any \(M, N, x\), define \([N/x]M\) to be the result of substituting \(N\) for every free occurrence of \(x\) in \(M\), and changing bound variables to avoid clashes. The precise definition is by induction on \(M\), as follows:

\begin{align*} [N/x] x &\equiv N \tag{1} \\ [N/x] a &\equiv a, \forall a \not\equiv x \tag{2}\\ [N/x](P Q) &≡ [N/x]P [N/x]Q \tag{3}\\ [N/x](λx.P) &≡ λx.P \tag{4}\\ [N/x](λy.P) &\equiv λy.P, x \not\in FV(P) \tag{5}\\ [N/x](λy.P) &\equiv λy.[N/x]P, x \in FV(P) \land y \not∈ FV(N) \tag{6}\\ [N/x](λy.P) &≡ λz.[N/x][z/y]P, x ∈ FV(P) \land y ∈ FV(N) \tag{7} \end{align*}

(Hindley and Seldin 2008, 7)


Let a term \(P\) contain an occurrence of \(\lambda x. M\), and let \(y \not\in FV(M)\). The act of replacing this \(λx.M\) by


is called a change of bound variable or an α-conversion in P. Iff P can be changed to Q by a finite (perhaps empty) series of changes of bound variables, we shall say P is congruent to Q, or P α-converts to Q, or \(P \equiv_{\alpha} Q\).


Simply-typed λ-Calculus.

Polymorphically typed λ-Calculus


Hindley, J Roger, and Jonathan P Seldin. 2008. Lambda-Calculus and Combinators: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press.
