Balance Vectors

The values of an account

Let there be given a set R together with two binary operations on R called ddition and multiplication, denoted in the usual way, such that the following rules hold for all elements \(a, b, c \in R\):

\begin{align*} (a + b) + c &= a + (b + c) \tag{1}\\ a + b &= b + a \tag{2}\\ \exists 0 \in R, \forall a \in R, a + 0_r &= a \tag{3}\\ \forall a \in R, \exists (-a) \in R, a + (-a) &= 0 \tag{4}\\ a \times (b \times c) &= (a \times b) \times c \tag{5}\\ a \times b &= b \times a \tag{6}\\ a \times (b + c) &= a \times b + a \times c \tag{7}\\ \exists 1 \in R, \forall a \in R, a \times 1 &= a \tag{8} \end{align*}

The first four of these requirements assert that R is an algebraic structure called an Abelian Group. With the additional properties (5) through (8) R becomes a Commutative Ring with identity.

A commutative ring with identity R is said to be linearly ordered if there is a non-empty subset P of R not containing 0, called the set of positive elements, such that the following conditions are satisfied:

\begin{align*} a,b \in P \implies a + b \in P &\wedge a \times b \in P \tag{9}\\ \forall a \in R, (a \in P) \lor (a = 0) &\lor (-a \in P) \tag{10}\\ \end{align*}

The actual concept of a linear order arises when one defines a < b to mean that b − a ∈ P. The negative elements of R are the elements of the set R \ (P ∪ {0}). On the basis of (9) and (10) it can be shown that the following holds:

\begin{align*} \forall a,b \in R, (a < b) \lor (a = b) &\lor (a > b) \tag{11}\\ a,b \in R \wedge a \times b = 0 \implies a = 0 &\lor b = 0 \tag{12}\\ \end{align*}

The State of an Accounting System

Let R be an ordered domain, which will be the universal set for all account values, and let n be a positive integer, which will be the number of accounts in the accounting system. The state of the system at any instant can be described by listing the values of the accounts, which are assumed to be in some agreed order, in the form of an n-column vector over R.

\begin{equation*} V = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_n \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

Thus vi ∈ R is the value of the ith account. The set of all n-column vectors over R is denoted by Rn.

Of particular importance is the zero vector:

\begin{equation*} 0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

Addition can also be defined:

\begin{equation*} u + v = \begin{bmatrix} u_1 + v_1 \\ u_2 + v_2 \\ \vdots \\ u_n + v_n \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

as well as scalar products:

\begin{equation*} r \times v = \begin{bmatrix} r \times v_1 \\ r \times v_2 \\ \vdots \\ r \times v_n \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

Let \(u, v, w \in R^n\) and \(r, s \in R\):

\begin{align*} (u + v) + w &= u + (v + w) \tag{1}\\ u + v &= v + u \tag{2}\\ v + 0 &= v \tag{3}\\ v + (-v) &= 0 \tag{4}\\ r \times (u + v) &= r \times u + r \times v \tag{5}\\ (r + s) \times u &= r \times u + s \times u \tag{6}\\ (r \times s) \times v &= r \times (s \times v) \tag{7}\\ 1_R \times v &= v \tag{8} \end{align*}

These properties demonstrate that the set Rn has a recognizable algebraic structure. Indeed properties (1) – (4) assert that Rn is an Abelian Group, while the additional properties (5) through (8) make Rn into a Left R-Module.

The free R-module Rn

It turns out that Rn is a particular type of R-module called a Free R-module. To see what is special about it, consider the so-called elementary column vectors e(1), e(2), … , e(n) where the ith entry of e(i) is 1 = 1R and all other entries are 0. Thus:

\begin{equation*} e(1) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}, \, e(2) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}, \,\, (\ldots) \,\,, e(n) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ n \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

Now an arbitrary vector \(v \in R^n\) is expressible in terms of these elementary vectors since:

\begin{equation*} v = v_1 \times e(1) + v_2 \times e(2) + \dots + v_n \times e(n) \end{equation*}

The set of elementary vectors {e(1), . . . , e(n)} is an R-basis of Rn, so that Rn is a free R-module of rank n.

Balance vectors in Rn

The accounts of a company generally fall into three categories:

  1. Asset accounts, which represent anything owned by the company
  2. Liability accounts, which record what is owed by the company to external entities
  3. Equity accounts or a profit and loss account; these show what is owed by the company to the owners and also show the net assets of the company.

It is a fundamental fact that a double entry accounting system must always be in balance, a fact which is implied by the accounting equation:

\begin{equation*} A - L = E \end{equation*}

We proceed now to study the properties of the subset of balance vectors in Rn, where R is an ordered domain.

First, let us consider the function σ : Rn → R, which sums the entries of a column vector \(v \in R^n\).

\begin{equation*} \sigma(v) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} v_i \end{equation*}

σ has the following properties:

\begin{align*} \sigma(v + w) &= \sigma(v) + \sigma(w) \\ \sigma(rv) &= r \sigma(v)\\ \forall v,w \in R^n, r \in R \end{align*}

A function between two R-modules with these properties is called an R-Module Homomorphism.

Module elements which are sent to zero by a module homomorphism σ form a subset called the kernel, written \(\text{Ker}(\sigma)\).

Returning to the particular homomorphism σ, we conclude that its kernel, i.e. the set of balance vectors, is a submodule of Rn. We shall write \(\text{Baln} (R)\) for the set of all balance vectors in Rn, so that \(\text{Ker}(\sigma) = \text{Baln}(R)\) is a submodule of Rn, which will be called the balance module of degree n over R.

Properties of the Balance Module

